Take my money, please!

We have now been in Chile for over a month. We have our house, which is still largely unfurnished as we await the arrival of our stuff from the U.S.. We have our cat and dog (and soon will have a partial refund from Delta after the airline forgot to send the cat’s health certificate, resulting in quite the adventure at the airport cargo terminal). We have our cédulas. We have our sporty “new” car, a 2004 Kia Carnival, which we (or, more accurately, my wife) bought from the conveniently-large family whose house we are renting. The kids started the fall term at their new school. And I started my new job.

One thing we do not have yet–a Chilean bank account.

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FNE informa nuevas contrataciones

This press release by Chile’s Fiscalía Nacional Económica (national economic prosecutor’s office) caught my attention for some reason:

Con el objeto de seguir fortaleciendo a la FNE, el Fiscal Irarrázabal no ha cesado en la búsqueda de destacados abogados y economistas de la plaza para engrosar las filas del ente fiscalizador…. A la División de Investigaciones, se incorpora el abogado Michael Jacob[s], ex socio de Zelle Hofmann Voelbel & Mason LLP (Minnesota), con estudios en la Universidad de Chicago y Georgetown, y con experiencia laboral en la Oficina del Attorney General del Estado de Minnesota,…